Workers’ Compensation for Your Business

Who Needs Workers’ Compensation?
Are you a business owner who hires employees? If so, you are legally required to carry workers’ compensation insurance in the state of Colorado. This is true whether you have just one employee or an entire team of workers. Employers who do not carry workers’ comp insurance can be fined up to $500 for every day they are uninsured. Offering health insurance is not a substitute and many health plans exclude injuries that may be covered under workers’ comp.

What Benefits Does Workers’ Compensation Provide?
Workers’ comp covers medical costs and lost wages for employees injured on the job, but it also helps protect your business. It covers unexpected costs and helps injured employees get back to work quickly, keeping your operations running smoothly. This is especially important for businesses that largely rely on their workforce: restaurants, retail stores, medical and professional offices. It also gives you legal protection as, in most cases, employees who receive workers’ comp benefits cannot sue their employer for additional compensation. If an employee is injured on the job and does sue their employer, workers’ comp can cover legal expenses and protect a business in the event of a lawsuit.

Whether it’s burns and cuts in a busy kitchen, Repetitive Strain Injuries from lifting heavy objects, or simple slips and falls, accidents happen and having the right workers’ comp coverage in place is crucial. It protects your employees, which, in turn, protects you and your business.

If you need workers’ comp insurance in the state of Colorado, please contact our office at
303-951-5982. We can assist with all your business insurance policies or just your workers’ comp.